As the Legislature was wrapping up sales-tax negotiations Sunday, the debate over long-term structural tax reform in Louisiana showed little sign of…
With the holidays nearly upon us, Gov. John Bel Edwards presents his plan for dealing with the fiscal cliff.“All of the proposals that I am making come…
“The best thing you can do for a stable funding for government is to have a well-balanced stool.”But when your budget – your stool -- doesn’t balance,…
Yesterday, we heard about tax reform from state Revenue Secretary Kimberly Robinson, who says, “We want every taxpayer treated fairly. We don’t want a…
“For once, it’s cool to be ‘the tax girl’. Is there anything more exciting than tax reform in the state right now?”We could name a few other things, but…
There are lots of distractions right now -- LSU vs. Alabama, hunting season, great weather, the elections – but Louisiana’s budget woes haven’t…
Facing a Thursday due date for their report, the Tax Structure Task Force is working daily this week, sorting through options and preparing to vote on…
“I hear nothing from the governor’s office on where he wants to take this state,” Senator Conrad Appel of Metairie complains. “Where is the guiding light?…