A new study says Louisiana’s coast cannot be saved.
A new study by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers says the federal government should spend $3.2 billion to maintain the levee system around New Orleans...
A new report by the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change says sea levels are rising twice as fast as they used to. They’re also warming up and...
Louisiana’s soil is sinking much faster than previously thought -- that’s the conclusion of a new report out this week from Tulane University. This week...
Scores of coastal research labs around the country are helping communities plan for sea level rise. But now many are starting to flood themselves.
Rising waters are threatening the giant naval base in Norfolk, Va., as well as the local businesses. The community is beginning to grapple with the reality, but many owners say they're staying put.
Virginia is dependent on coal mining and export, but it also faces routine flooding from rising sea levels. That irony is a very real, day-to-day problem for residents.
Hoboken, N.J., has experienced several major floods since Hurricane Sandy. Mayor Dawn Zimmer says her city isn't waiting to prepare for the effects of climate change.
New ordinances adopted in the South Florida city require that new homes feature freshwater cisterns and be built higher than the current flood plain level. Says Key West's planning director, "We are, in all senses of the word, vulnerable to sea level rise."