Just in time for another runoff election, there’s a new book out about last year’s race.“Long Shot is the story of the 2015 race for governor, as told…
Governor John Bel Edwards meets with the entire Louisiana congressional delegation today, discussing the need for a supplemental federal appropriations…
“This is not the Katrina SBA.”SBA Administrator Maria Contreras-Sweet was in south Louisiana Thursday, helping turn attention to assistance for businesses…
Several thousand Louisiana political illuminati are lighting up the nation’s capital this weekend, as Washington, D.C., becomes the state’s 65th parish…
Before November 24th, nearly every political expert agreed: John Bel Edwards couldn’t win.“He’s a Democrat running in a state and a time where nobody…
You open the refrigerator door to grab some milk, and you’re overwhelmed with leftovers from yesterday’s feast. Now that we’ve had some time to digest the…
The Joint Legislative Budget Committee meets this morning to vote on the Jindal administration plan to solve the current budget shortfall. That’s got…
The Revenue Estimating Conference met Monday, acknowledging oil and gas prices, sales tax and corporate tax collections are far below what was…
Just 5 days left till Saturday’s runoff election, and in the past week gubernatorial candidate David Vitter has become more visible, including speaking…
They talked over each other, and the moderators. And by the end of Tuesday night’s debate between David Vitter and John Bel Edwards, one thing was…