Today on Louisiana Considered, we learn why at least 25% of the state’s rural health clinics are struggling to stay open.
Several bills are moving through the Legislature that would modify Louisiana’s new concealed carry law before it takes effect on July 4.
Lawmakers on a Senate committee advanced a bill that would expand permitless concealed carry in Louisiana to allow adults to carry in restaurants that serve alcohol.
A bill that would allow individuals who are at least 21 years old in Louisiana to conceal carry a gun without a license or training advanced out of a Senate committee Tuesday with a 4-1 vote.
As the country continues to grapple with how to protect against gun violence on school campuses, a handful of members in the Louisiana Legislature have…
“This is for personal protection,” Senator Bret Allain said of his bill to allow legislators to carry their guns in the state capitol. The Senate and…
A federal court has thrown out a policy in San Diego that placed tight restrictions on who can carry concealed weapons in public. As other courts consider such rules, the Supreme Court could weigh in.