“To Kill a Mockingbird” is coming to the Saenger Theatre in New Orleans from May 30 through June 2. Aaron Sorkin’s adaptation of Harper Lee’s Pulitzer Prize-winning work has received rave reviews since it debuted on Broadway in 2018.
Starring as Atticus Finch is Richard Thomas, a longtime veteran of both the screen and the stage. Many remember Thomas for playing the role of Johnboy on the CBS Great Depression-era TV show, the Waltons. The Emmy Award-winning actor tells us more about taking on this iconic role and why he believes the story is increasingly important.
According to a new report published by the nonprofit Human Rights for Kids, the United States punishes adults for crimes they committed while they were kids much more often and more severely than other countries; and of all U.S. states, Louisiana does this most often.
Criminal justice reporter Nick Chrastil covered this report for The Lens. He spoke with WRKF’s Karen Henderson about the findings.
Today’s episode of Louisiana Considered was hosted by Alana Schreiber. Our digital editor is Katelyn Umholtz and our engineers are Garrett Pittman and Aubry Procell.
You can listen to Louisiana Considered Monday through Friday at 12:00 and 7:30 pm. It’s available on Spotify, Google Play, and wherever you get your podcasts.
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