The Army Corps of Engineers expects to open the Bonnet Carre Spillway Friday afternoon. Located upriver from New Orleans, the Bonnet Carre Spillway acts...
Heavy rains in the Midwest have caused the Mississippi River to swell. To relieve pressure on local levees, the Army Corps of Engineers will begin...
On Wednesday, congress passed America's Water Infrastructure Act of 2018 , which could encourage the Army Corps of Engineers to build more green...
The Army Corps of Engineers has a system for classifying river and hurricane levees across the country. On Thursday, officials announced the final...
After last August’s floods, many claimed the Comite River Diversion Canal would have prevented much of the damage.“Most people would not have flooded, but…
The Mississippi River-Gulf Outlet was the subject of two lawsuits this year. One found that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, which manages the MRGO, must…
A levee project would cordon off lucrative farmland along the Mississippi River in southeastern Missouri. But towns in Illinois say that puts them at risk of flooding while protecting rich farmers.
The U.S. Senate Environment and Public Works Committee meets Thursday to discuss reforms to the Army Corps of Engineers.One of Louisiana’s senators, David…