Dr. Scott Kahan, Director of the National Center for Weight and Wellness, on the perils of fat shaming.Also on today's program: Barry Keim on Tropical…
A study at Pennington Biomedical Research Center in Baton Rouge was conducted to determine what impact, if any, “exergaming” had on weight loss – and the…
Inside the Human Genomics Lab at Pennington Biomedical Research Center, Dr. Tuomo Rankinen points to a chip -- much like one you'd find in a computer --…
A little-known part of the Affordable Care Act pays primary care doctors to help overweight seniors lose weight. So why aren't more seniors taking advantage of the free weight loss counseling?
A 65 percent increase in a woman's weight is associated with a 9-percent drop in earnings. A recent study investigated what's behind that "obesity penalty," and why it hits women harder than men.
Liz Paul has struggled with her weight for years. A diet group helps, but it only meets once a week. So she has turned to social media for daily feedback and support. Studies find it can help.
Americans are much less active in their leisure time than they were 20 years ago; that's true even for young people. Up to half of people say they're completely sedentary. Desk jobs don't help.
In their long list of recommendations for how the state could save money, the Jindal administration's consultants, Alvarez & Marsal, suggested Louisiana…
There's good news and bad news about aging boomers, a Census Bureau report finds. They're drinking less and voting more, but they're also heavier, which could mean less independence later.
In the 1970s, the U.S. Dietary Goals advised Americans to cut back on fat and eat more carbs to lower the risk of heart disease. But some experts say this high-carb, low-fat diet helped fuel obesity.