As climate change continues to produce more intense storms and rising seas, some of Louisiana’s congressional delegation wants to make protecting the nation’s shorelines a top priority for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
Congressman Garret Graves on flood protection, midterm elections and Go Fund Me account for LSU. Pollster Bernie Pinsonat on forecast for Nov. 6 election.…
State officials have called the duplication of benefits penalty one of the biggest hurdles to recovery from the 2016 floods. Thousands of Louisiana…
Angus Kennedy, author of “Bitter Sweet,” on his reputation as the world’s leading chocolate taste. Quin Hillyer, conservative columnist and commentator,…
Friday was the last day for candidates in Louisiana to get their name on the ballot for fall elections. The only statewide race in November will have nine…
Tom Aswell, publisher of Louisiana Voice, on the seventh special session of the Louisiana Legislature in the past 29 months. Congressional candidate Andie…
State Representative Chris Broadwater, Republican from Hammond, discusses his decision to resign from the Louisiana House midway through his second term…
“We’re probably in one of the safest times in our state’s history right now, primarily because both the Louisiana Legislature and the U.S. Congress are…
In-state political issues have been taking center stage, but as Congress recesses for Independence Day, let’s check in on Louisiana’s delegation to…
U.S. Representative Garret Graves, reprsenting the 6th Congressional District of Louisiana, phones in to chat about disaster response and Gov. John Bel…