The Joint Legislative Committee on the Budget met Thursday to resolve the $313-million shortfall leftover from the past fiscal year.“This has been a very…
Department leaders sat in front of the House Appropriations Committee Wednesday, as Legislators continue taking an early look at next fiscal year’s…
The House Appropriations Committee has started looking at next fiscal year’s state budget. Sitting in front of the committee Tuesday, Commissioner of…
When the Joint Budget Committee met Friday to consider the governor’s plan for remedying the $313-million deficit from Fiscal Year 2016, Commissioner of…
Students attending school on TOPS scholarships are receiving letters that they’ll owe 60% of their tuition in the Spring semester. Speaking on his monthly…
The Joint Legislative Committee on the Budget meets Friday to acknowledge the state collected $315 million less in revenue than needed for fiscal year…
The state’s Revenue Estimating Conference met Thursday, to officially acknowledge the shortfall for the fiscal year that ended July 1st.“The bottom line:…
There are lots of distractions right now -- LSU vs. Alabama, hunting season, great weather, the elections – but Louisiana’s budget woes haven’t…
The previous fiscal year ended July 1st, but we still don’t know how deeply in the hole the state ended up.“The Division is still trying to reconcile ‘16.…
Commissioner of Administration Jay Dardenne said last week the state is expecting a shortfall of between $200-million and $300-million for the fiscal year…