Research shows that college students are going hungry at a higher rate than the U.S. population as a whole. Some campuses are taking alternative approaches to tackling student hunger.
Montana could soon dial back laws that allowed defaulters to have their professional and driver's licenses revoked after failing to pay back debt.
Students are taking out loans with little understanding of the consequences. The bewildering federal aid process doesn't help.
Nearly a million community college students don't have access to federal student loans, according to a new report.
As President Obama unveils new efforts to help college graduates with student loan debt, there's new focus on the problems that drive that debt: the cost of college and the reasons it's been skyrocketing.
Higher education always pays off. Except if you do these three things.
In the decades following World War II, many American families had a lot of help paying for a college education. But in the 1970s, inflation spiked and public policies began to change.
This week, President Obama gathered the heads of 100 colleges and universities to discuss how to get more smart, low-income students into higher education. But calculating the real cost to send a child to college can be a challenge for anyone.