Today on Louisiana Considered, we learn about research on the impacts of climate change on rice. Plus, the often-overlooked story of Johnny Wright, the New Orleans native who almost became the first Black pitcher in Major League Baseball.
Climate-smart agriculture is getting a “once-in-a-generation” investment of $20 billion. Louisiana farmers show what a successful rollout could look like.
After nearly a week of freezing temperatures, farmers in Mississippi and Louisiana have suffered big losses in livestock and crops, and some of the...
Rice is one of Louisiana's signature agricultural products. But it’s more than just the base for gumbos and étouffées - it’s an economic driver across the…
Soybeans are a $700-million dollar industry in Louisiana. It’s the second largest row crop industry, just behind sugar cane. So when China imposed a tax…
Complaints about Louisiana's roads and bridges are usually loudest in the places where drivers find themselves sitting in stand-still traffic. But those…
The dead zone is an area in the Gulf of Mexico where the oxygen is so low that fish and shrimp can’t live. Scientists say this year’s dead zone is 8,776...
On today's program live from the Louisiana Farm Bureau convention, Commissioner of Agriculture Mike Strain addresses agricultural topics, including trade…
In Tuesday's Senate Agriculture committee, Senator Gerald Long reacted to a House-approved bill allowing the LSU and Southern University Ag Centers to…
A respected scientific group says that glyphosate, also known as Roundup, is "probably carcinogenic to humans." Yet the actual risks — which are mainly to farmers, not consumers — remain uncertain.