Louisiana could soon be collecting sales tax from online retailers, thanks to a recent decision by the United States Supreme Court."The most significant…
In 2016, the Louisiana Legislature passed a law saying 17 year olds would no longer be treated as adults in the criminal justice system. Instead, they’d…
As the Legislature was wrapping up sales-tax negotiations Sunday, the debate over long-term structural tax reform in Louisiana showed little sign of…
After months of deadlock, lawmakers have finally agreed on a solution to the fiscal cliff, avoiding major cuts to state services and bringing an early end…
The United States Supreme Court handed down a ruling Thursday that threw a curveball into tax negotiations inside the Louisiana Capitol. The ruling could…
Lawmakers continue to debate how many tenths of a penny should remain as part of the state's sales-tax rate. On Wednesday, a House committee advanced…
LSU Law Professor Phillip Hackney on his New York Times editorial calling for a criminal investigation of President Trump and his tax obligations.…
The House Appropriations committee spent the second day of a 10-day special session rehashing old budget debates. The Legislature passed a state spending…
Lawmakers filed back into the Capitol Monday for a third special session. They’ll spend the next 10 days focusing on the same problem they've failed to…
The House and Senate gavel back into session today to restart the lingering tax debate.Pearson Cross, Associate Professor of Political Science at UL…