Think is a national call-in radio program, hosted by acclaimed journalist Krys Boyd and produced by KERA in Dallas. Each week, listeners across the country tune in to the program to hear thought-provoking, in-depth conversations with newsmakers from across the globe. Since launching in 2006, Think and Krys Boyd have earned more than a dozen local, regional and national awards, including the 2013 Regional Edward R. Murrow award for breaking news coverage.
During each episode of Think, listeners tweet, call or email with questions and comments for the show’s guest. Think can be heard on more than 75 stations, yielding a diverse pool of questions and comments from curious minds across the country. Previous guests on the program include former Secretaries of State Madeleine Albright and John Kerry, actor Bryan Cranston, Sen. John Cornyn and Sen. Ted Cruz, Melinda Gates, author Malcolm Gladwell, Jane Goodall, Rev. Jesse Jackson and more.
In addition to the radio program, Think also is among the most-downloaded local podcasts in the public radio system, receiving over 250,000 downloads each month.
Find a list of the latest episodes of Think below. Read more about Think here.
Chabeli Carrazana is economy and childcare reporter for The 19th News. She joins guest host Courtney Collins to discuss why high-profile cheerleaders aren’t making a living wage, the lawsuits that are fighting for a pay increase, and why misogyny in sports is so hard to eradicate.
This hour, we’ll talk with a former U.S. ambassador to Russia and other experts about what the budding alliance between Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping means for American global leadership.
She joins host Krys Boyd to discuss growing up in a mostly white suburb, the importance of keeping her native language alive, and how her role as unofficial family historian has shaped her career.
Philip Elliott, senior correspondent for Time magazine, joins host Krys Boyd to discuss how the layman can look at polls and glean the most relevant information, how polls gather their data and why that margin of error is super important.
Michelle Ferrari, writer, producer and director for American Experience, joins host Krys Boyd to discuss the history of the vice presidency, the 25th amendment that helped to solidify the role, and why the U.S. Constitution doesn’t offer much guidance on defining the position.
Celia Ford, Future Perfect Fellow at Vox, joins host Krys Boyd to discuss a new breakthrough that promises to delay menopause, what that means for healthy aging in women, and what the social implications might be if older women are still able to bear children.