In 1949, Lena Richard became the first-known African American to host her own cooking show, which aired on WDSU twice a week, and introduced New Orleans cuisine to a larger audience.
But she is just one of a number of prominent Black chefs to help spread Creole recipes. Endowed Chair and Director of the Ray Charles Program in African American Material Culture at Dillard University, Zella Palmer, tells us more about the history of Black chefs in Louisiana.
Also on Louisiana Considered, Louisiana voters rejected an amendment to overhaul the state’s complicated sales tax collection system, but some say the system must be addressed again. Tax attorney Jason DeCuir tells us why Louisiana’s current system might be unconstitutional under a recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling.
Today’s episode of Louisiana Considered was hosted by Adam Vos. Our producer is Alana Schreiber and our digital editor is Katelyn Umholtz. Our engineers are Garrett Pittman, Aubrey Procell, and Thomas Walsh.
You can listen to Louisiana Considered Monday through Friday at 12:00 and 7:30 pm. It’s available on Spotify, Google Play, and wherever you get your podcasts.
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