September is an odd month for planting the vegetable garden. It's right between the warm season and the cold season. What do we do?
This is a transition month. This is when we plant some warm season vegetables and some cool season vegetables.
In the early part of the month, we can plant transplants of tomatoes and peppers. We can also plant squash, cucumber, pole beans, snap beans from seed.
Into late September, we can plant seed of broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage. We can also plant smalls sets of shallots and Irish potatoes.
In September, it's a good idea to monitor watering, as it can still be hot this time of year. The soil can dry out rapidly, causing withering of new transplants or newly germinated seeds.
Get a rain gage. One inch of water per week is the ideal amount of water to add to your garden. Monitor how much rain falls each week and supplement that with irrigation.