Roux Radio 9/11

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On today's show, how a marsh is created, how an election begins and how to eat like a scientist.

We hear a lot about coastal land loss in Louisiana, but what exactly is the state doing about it? Nick Janzen takes a closer look at marsh creation with the Coastal Restoration and Protection Authority.

It’s off to the races. This week, hopefuls for elected offices all over the state filed their paperwork and paid their fees to get on the ballot this fall. Sue Lincoln has a dispatch from qualifying.

The candidates for the state’s top jobs have to qualify with the Secretary of State, who is running for reelection himself. Sue Lincoln has more from the incumbent Republican Tom Schedler and his challenger, Democrat and LSU Law Professor Chris Tyson.

What are you eating for lunch? More importantly, why are you eating it? I asked this question to a handful of diet and nutrition researchers. My findings will enlighten you, and probably make you hungry.

A rose by any other name is...pathetic. Well, at least after all that summer heat. Dan Gill offers some tips for restoring your wilted blooms to their former splendor. But first, the news.

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