Roux Radio 8/28

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On this episode, Hurricane Katrina: the memories, the science and the decade since.

A look back on ten years since Hurricane Katrina. Former Governor Kathleen Blanco reflects on a defining moment during her term as Governor, shortly after the storm.

We travel to the quirky beach town of Bay St. Louis, Mississippi, and take a look at how their monthly arts walk is a sure sign of the community’s recovery in the last ten years.

Louisiana Public Broadcasting producer Tika Laudun discusses her documentary focusing on the renewal of New Orleans over the past decade, as well as the impact of the storm on everything from education to health care.

On Louisiana’s Lab, state climatologist Barry Keim looks back on the 2005 hurricane season, the most active on record. Nick Janzen gives us a better understanding of the conditions that helped to create Hurricane Katrina.

On Capitol Access, higher ed has had a hard year and it just keeps getting harder. Higher Education commissioner Joseph Rallo talks to Wallis Watkins about dealing with additional budget slashing since the close of this year’s legislative session.

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