While the results showing an increase in rates may seem alarming, researchers say it could be a sign of better access to mental health services.
Sleepovers, playground visits and feeling safe at school are just a few of the things young New Orleans children are ready to experience again after getting their first COVID vaccine now that the shot has been approved for 5-11 year olds.
School is out for most New Orleans kids, but many of them are still learning at summer camps. Some of them are taking on big topics, like the history of...
High cholesterol isn't just a problem for adults; roughly 1 in 3 kids may have abnormal levels, too, a large study suggests. Kids as young as 9 or 11 should get a baseline check, pediatricians say.
Random bedtimes have more influence on a child's behavior than going to bed late, a British study finds. That was true at home and at school. Researchers say that failing to hit the hay at the same time every day may mess up circadian rhythms and brain development. Fortunately, the ill effects are reversible.
Introduce your kids to the joy of gardening and get them some exercise of their bodies and brains at the same time.